100 Coding Questions — you should know

5 min readFeb 13, 2021


Introduction :- If you’re beginner then this is the right path to start , so make as many program as you can to understand basics of any programming language .

I love ❤️ programming and my passion 😎 is to teach my friends 😉programming concepts . If you have any doubts I will always be ready for you 😎 .

Profit 🏆 :- The best way to learn any programming language is to make program in it. No matter which language you choose, just make all these below programs in that language . You will learn that language I can assure you .

When you respond back 📧 what was your experience about these questions I will be happy . If you want to edit these questions then you’re free to give suggestions in the comment 💬 down bellow .

Let’s start -

Input & Output :-

  1. Take an integer and print it as it is
  2. Take a char and print it as it is
  3. Take an integer and print its octal value
  4. Take an integer and print its hexadecimal value
  5. Take an integer and print its character value
  6. Take a char and print its ascii value
  7. Print your name, age and city
  8. Take a larger number (greater than 10¹⁰) as input and print it as it is
  9. Take two integer and one char and print them
  10. Take decimal number and print it as it is

Arithmetic Operation :-

  1. Add and subtract two numbers
  2. Multiply two numbers
  3. Swap two numbers using third variable
  4. Swap two numbers without using third variable
  5. Find area and perimeter rectangle (length & width given)
  6. Find circumference and area of circle (radius given)
  7. Calculate simple interest
  8. Calculate compound interest
  9. Temperature conversion from celsius to fahrenheit
  10. Temperature conversion from fahrenheit to celsius
  11. Find third angle of triangle first and second is given
  12. Convert days into years, weeks and days
  13. Calculate square and cube of given number
  14. Take your ten friends phone number as input and print their sum
  15. Find nth term in arithmetic series ( given first term and difference )
  16. Find sum of given arithmetic series ( given first term , difference and number of terms )

Conditional Statement (if-else if-else, switch) :-

  1. Number is positive or negative
  2. Number is even or odd
  3. Greatest of two numbers
  4. Greatest of three numbers
  5. Leap year or not
  6. Check whether input is vowel or consonant
  7. Check uppercase and lowercase
  8. Check divisibility
  9. Win or loss the toss
  10. Find number of days in month
  11. Simple calculator application
  12. Fun with number appears on dice ( 1 to 6 )
  13. Check passing criteria for a student given marks in exam
  14. Check eligibility for voting of a person given age
  15. Check type of triangle all three sides are given
  16. Take your ten friends phone number as input and show minimum & maximum number among them
  17. Find roots of quadratic equations

Loop (for, while, do-while) :-

  1. Print even numbers from 1 to n
  2. Print alphabets from a to z
  3. Print table of given number
  4. Sum of first N natural numbers
  5. Sum of natural numbers in given range
  6. Take n numbers and print their addition & average
  7. Take n numbers and print their ,multiplication
  8. Factorial of a number
  9. Number of digits in a number
  10. Sum of digits of a number
  11. Reverse a given number
  12. Number is palindrome or not
  13. Power of a number
  14. Find HCF of two numbers
  15. Find LCM of two numbers

Print Pattern :-

( These problems are based on for loop )

( For all pattern we have taken n as 5 you can take as your choice )

( For all patters solutions are available here )

1. Pattern-1

2. Pattern-2

3. Pattern-3

4. Pattern-4

5. Pattern-5

6. Pattern-6

7. Pattern-7

8. Pattern-8

9. Pattern-9

10. Pattern-10

11. Pattern-11

12. Pattern-12

13. Pattern-13

Array :-

  1. Take input an array and display it as it is
  2. Take input an array and display it in reverse order
  3. Take input an array and search given element in the array (Linear search)
  4. Take input an array and search given element in the array (Binary search)
  5. Take input an array and find average of elements present in the array
  6. Copy one array to another array
  7. Find frequency of given element in array
  8. Reverse element of array in-place
  9. Square all elements of array
  10. Insert new element in array at given position
  11. Delete element from array from given position

Iterative Sorting :-

  1. Selection sorting
  2. Insertion sorting
  3. Bubble sorting

String :-

  1. Take string as input and print it
  2. Take paragraph as input and print it as it is
  3. Count number of vowel , consonant & digit in given word
  4. Count number of vowel , consonant , digit & space in given paragraph
  5. Reverse given string

Function :-

  1. Return largest among two number using function
  2. Return sum of two numbers using function
  3. Return sum of array using function
  4. Return frequency of given element in array
  5. Return frequency of given character in string

Recursion :-

  1. Find factorial using recursion
  2. Find fibonacci series using recursion
  3. Return number of digits in a number using recursion
  4. Linear search recursively
  5. Binary search recursively

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” — Martin Fowler

Originally published at https://cp-dsa-algo.blogspot.com on February 13, 2021.




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